Interactive digital


Harbor House Publishers produces high quality, user-friendly Community Profiles, Relocation Guides and Economic Profiles for Chambers of Commerce, trade and professional organizations, Economic Development Corporations and local units of government. We work with communities of all sizes, including major metropolitan markets, suburban markets, geographic regions and rural areas.
Each Profile is custom in a beautifully designed magazine format, including a full turn-key – from initial concept and market definition, to research, copywriting, sales and marketing, photography, design, manufacturing and fulfillment. We work in partnership with you to meet your specific needs. Profiles are produced in three editions: high quality print, interactive digital and mobile.
Your Profile may be produced as a line item in your budget or Harbor House Publishers can sell advertising to cover the cost. If you do not need the full range of services, just the portion you need is available to you.
Profiles may be used to:
- Attract new business and industry
- Help build a sense of community
- Serve as a workforce development tool
- Act as a catalyst for positive change within your community
- Provide developers with essential information to make a decision
- Provide information to new residents
- Help members market their businesses and services
- Promote your organization‘s mission and program of work
- Boost membership

Harbor House Publishers produces full-color, magazine-style Visitors Guides for Convention and Visitors Bureaus, Chambers of Commerce, municipalities and tourism/hospitality organizations. Our Visitors Guides utilize a high quality, custom approach, positioning your area as a quality and highly desirable destination, with a focus on the area's unique aspects. We work in partnership with you to meet your specific needs. Visitors Guides are available in a variety of formats and are produced in three editions: high quality print, interactive digital and mobile.
Harbor House Publishers sells advertising to cover the cost of producing your Visitors Guide. Working in partnership with you, we write the copy, shoot the photography, design, manufacture and deliver to your office and MDOT Welcome Centers, as you direct.

With over 45 years of experience in magazine publishing, Harbor House Publishers specializes in custom regional magazines and directories. We provide a full turn-key — from initial concept and market definition, to research, copywriting, sales and marketing, photography, design, manufacturing and fulfillment. We work in partnership with you to meet your specific needs. All publications are produced in three editions: high quality print, interactive digital and mobile.
Our flagship publication, Great Lakes/Seaway Review, greatlakes-seawayreview.com, is a full-color quarterly magazine that has covered the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway maritime transportation industry since 1970. Great Lakes/Seaway Review provides in-depth coverage of the ports, fleets, commodities and markets that comprise the System, including both the U.S./Canadian domestic trades within the Great Lakes and import/export movements utilizing the Great Lakes/Seaway.

国内主流视频网站为什么不像YouTube一样“5秒后可众跳过 ...:2021-4-13 · 同为视频网站,YouTube在视频广告模式上选择的是TrueView广告,即五秒后可众跳过;而国内主流视频网站则大为不同,那么它伔为什么会存在这种差异呢?背后又有哪些产品知识呢? 在知乎上看到有位知友在2021年提问了下述问题,时至今日 ...

youtube视频网站-思源资源网:2 天前 · youtube.com是一个视频网站, 设立在美国的一个影片分享站点,让用户上载、旁观及分享影片或短片。 youtube得益于其成熟的生态系统众及壮大的视频后期编辑能力,内里的内容一应俱全,其功效包罗分享视频, 视频直播, 在线电视, 音乐.影视旁观等等 , Youtube视频网站是美国最大的视频分享平台。

Dining Guides
Is your community a dining destination? Harbor House Publishers can produce a beautiful, informative Dining Guide for visitors and residents, chock full of information on the full range of dining experiences your community offers. Your Dining Guide may be a budget item or by Harbor House Publishers selling advertising.

如何进入youtube网站-百度经验:2021-2-23 · YouTube网站视频怎么下载 2 2021.02.16 国内手机youtube怎么打开 12 2021.02.18 手机显示YouTube停止不能进去怎么办?0 2021.11.19 youtube视频打不开怎么办 24 2021.03.26 手机YouTube怎么设置国家位置 0 2021.04.26

High-quality, professionally-designed brochures help promote your products and services in the most effective way. Harbor House Publishers can prepare a full-range of brochures for you, from a simple tri-fold or flyer to more elaborate presentation packages and catalogs. We work in partnership with you to meet your specific needs. Profiles are produced in three editions: high quality print, interactive digital and mobile. Your brochure will be developed to meet both your promotional needs and your budget.

Annual Reports
Harbor House Publishers produces annual reports that communicate your corporate message and financial results in a unique and professional package. You will receive a finished piece that complements your company's identity and expresses your vision and energy. We work in partnership with you to meet your specific needs. Profiles are produced in three editions: high quality print, interactive digital and mobile. Each annual report is custom and designed to fit your budget and portray your corporate identity.

Advertising Design
Have you enjoyed the striking ad design in our publications? Do you need ad design services for your business or organization's message in other publications? The professional creative team at Harbor House Publishers is available to design advertising for you on an hourly basis for placement in print and digital publications, developed to the specifications of the medium.

Your corporate identity includes a system of visual elements — logo, name, color, typography and their application. A striking logo is one of the most important elements for your business, with consistent use in collateral materials backing up that image and promoting your brand. Harbor House Publishers can help you create that identity, whether you want a brand new look or just a facelift, and can help you implement that look in your corporate materials for a consistent, well-received identity.
Harbor House Publishers is a magazine, directory, guide, book and newsletter publisher with a specialty in regional publications. Established in 1969, Harbor House Publishers is based in Boyne City, Michigan and publishes the quarterly magazine 国内怎么上youtube网站, and a number of custom annual Chamber of Commerce directories and visitor guides for Convention & Visitor Bureaus.
Harbor House Publishers provides a full turn-key, including concept, research, writing, editing, sales and marketing, photo shoots, design, production, manufacturing and fulfillment. An interactive digital format is available for every publication we produce.
Harbor House Publishers' specialization in and knowledge of the Great Lakes region, its demographics, commerce and tourism are intangibles which come to our clients without cost, yet are reflected in the care and professionalism we put into any publication we produce.
Harbor House views the relationship with our clients as one of partnership, working together to improve and enhance your publications and marketing tools to best serve your needs.
How may we be of service to you?

YouTube_百度百科:YouTube是一个视频网站,早期公司位于加利福尼亚州的圣布鲁诺。注册于2021年2月15日,由美籍华人陈士骏等人创立,让用户下载、观看及分享影片或短片。2021年11月,Google公司众16.5亿美元收购了YouTube,并把其当做一家子公司来经营。但是对于如何通过 ...

Executive Vice President
Outside the office, you will find me outdoors, on our boat or playing with our two dogs and cat. I especially enjoy traveling, sports, country music and spending time with family and friends.


Associate Editor

Office Manager

I have layers of things I love about life. When not editing, writing or creating messaging, I'm with my family and hiking the trails. I live within an easy commute of the North Country Trail and more local trails than most know exist. Adventure on!


Creative Director

Jen Shock
Production Manager
I'm inclined to be outside as much as possible, enjoying human-powered adventure; especially hiking, cross-country skiing, camping, and kayaking. I live in Boyne City with my wife, Christie, and dog, Ruby.

Kristin Bunte
Graphic Designer

Therapy Dog
I love being outside all year long, but there's nothing like romping around in the snow in my own backyard. It's my happy place.

Kathy Booth
Account Manager

Rex Cassidy
Account Manager

Senior Account Manager

Jennifer Foley
Account Manager
As a a native of Harbor Springs, Michigan, I enjoy being outdoors during all four seasons in Northern Michigan. My husband, Steve, and I are animal lovers and have a 3-year-old English Mastiff/Bull Mastiff named Betty and a 7-year-old domestic shorthair named Miss Kitty.

My family enjoying beautiful Northern Michigan where we have lived for over 30 years and love everything it has to offer. We ski, bike, kayak, paddleboard, hike, boat and play in the outdoors every chance we get.

I live in Traverse City, Michigan with my husband, two golden retrievers and two cats. I enjoy golfing, bowling — most anything outdoors in the beautiful area in which I live. I also love to cook and entertain friends and family and I organize an annual golf outing which supports our local humane society each summer.

Account Manager
I enjoy exploring all of Michigan's beautiful lakes, rivers and trails. When not exploring, I can be found working in my flower gardens.

Account Manager
I am the mom of three kids and two fur babies. I love to travel the world, boat on the Great Lakes, read amazing books, stay fit and walk gently on this Earth.

Bill Wellman
Senior Account Manager

Pam Withorn
Vacation mode in the U.P. at our place that my late husband built. Spending quality time during the annual fishing derby with my kids and older brother and sister-in-law. Family is Everything!

Candi Wynn
Account Executive
We are committed to encouraging, creating and sustaining an environment that honors the inherent dignity of every member of our business.
Respectful behavior should always be the norm in all forms of communications and in all situations.
- youtube视频网站-思源资源网:2 天前 · youtube.com是一个视频网站, 设立在美国的一个影片分享站点,让用户上载、旁观及分享影片或短片。 youtube得益于其成熟的生态系统众及壮大的视频后期编辑能力,内里的内容一应俱全,其功效包罗分享视频, 视频直播, 在线电视, 音乐.影视旁观等等 , Youtube视频网站是美国最大的视频分享平台。
- 5个在线网站免费Youtube视频-百度经验:2021-1-2 · 5个在线网站免费Youtube视频,老婆想要关于二叉树的视频,在Youtue找到了,想要分享给她,可是她却不能打开要出去...,这个很尴尬,于是想先下载下来,然后再把文件给她,于是乎,找到了这些可爱的网站。
- YouTube | 互联网数据资讯网-199IT | 中文互联网数据研究 ...:2021-4-29 · YouTube:2021年YouTube《我的世界》浏览量达1002 亿次 2021年12月6日 作者 翠花 网络视频 YouTube:2021年YouTube播放量Top 10 2021年12月5日 ...
- We believe all members of the team have a responsibility to behave in a manner that does not harm others and shows respect for those with different opinions.
- Behavior that attacks, humiliates, belittles or conveys personal hatred toward others diminishes our thriving and safe office environment.
- Everyone is asked to do their part in creating a healthy and positive office environment and a culture that truly values each person's uniqueness, experiences and perspectives.
We can disagree without being disagreeable.
Our talented and capable staff offer a full service operation: from concept, research, editorial, photography, design, sales and marketing. We provide a full range of services for your publication or marketing needs. Every publication is available in print, as well as interactive digital and mobile editions. We have been in business over 45 years and work throughout the Midwest. We have a passion for the Great Lakes and know it well.

Transform infinite creative possibilities into innovative marketing solutions.
We are a relationship-based business partner, providing our combined talents in a variety of mediums for the purpose of community development, tourism and commerce. We embrace change and new possibilities and are open to new ideas.

1. Start-Up
We meet with you to determine how to meet your communication needs. Every publication is custom and unique to your organization and your community.
2. Sales
海外网红营销平台-Youtube网红营销-NoxInfluencer:2021-6-10 · NoxInfluencer拥有海外YouTube网红KOL资源900万+,目前提供欧美网红KOL营销、日韩网红KOL营销、东南亚网红KOL营销、印度网红KOL营销、俄罗斯网红KOL营销、台湾网红KOL营销、中东网红KOL营销等地区服务,帮助上千家跨境电商、移动互联 ...
3. Editorial
We work closely with you to determine the editorial content of your publication. A detailed editorial outline is developed, approved by you and researched and written. You review and approve the editorial before we design.
4. Photos
Photography is utilized from the publisher's extensive photo files, as well as from new photo and video shoots by the Harbor House staff photographer.
5. Design
After sales have been completed, the copy has been written and approved, and the photos completed, your publication moves to design. You review and approve page proofs before we go to press/digital.
6. Launch
Manufacturing is done to the highest quality standards, using the latest technology. Fulfillment services are also available. We provide your publication in print, interactive digital and mobile formats.